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As a largely populated continent with 50 countries and 4.47 billion people, Asia occupies approximately 63% of the total human population (approximately 7.1 billion people; statistics as of January 2013) today.

Total area as 31.8292 million square km, is 321 times that of South Korea. Mainland China had a population of more than 1.4 billion in official statistics by the end of 2007 (informally, about 1.6 billion people), which holds the largest population of 238 independent countries around the world.

Currently as of June of 2020, 160 missionaries (of which 47 are partnering missionaries) in 20 countries are carrying out ministries in the Asia region of GMI missions inclusive of China, Taiwan, both North Korea and South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Japan, Bangladesh, Israel, Jordan, and the Philippines.

GMI’s mission training center (MTC), Taiwan’s Grace seminary, India’s Unreached People Groups ministry, and Israel’s missions ministry hold a primary position in strategic missions among these nations.

As a largely populated continent with 50 countries and 4.47 billion people, Asia occupies approximately 63% of the total human population (approximately 7.1 billion people; statistics as of January 2013) today.

Total area as 31.8292 million square km, is 321 times that of South Korea. Mainland China had a population of more than 1.4 billion in official statistics by the end of 2007 (informally, about 1.6 billion people), which holds the largest population of 238 independent countries around the world.

Currently as of June of 2020, 169 missionaries (of which 51 are partnering missionaries) in 20 countries are carrying out ministries in the Asia region of GMI missions inclusive of China, Taiwan, both North Korea and South Korea, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Myanmar, India, Nepal, Japan, Bangladesh, Israel, Jordan, and the Philippines.

GMI’s mission training center (MTC), Taiwan’s Grace seminary, India’s Unreached People Groups ministry, and Israel’s missions ministry hold a primary position in strategic missions among these nations.

아시아는 47개국 약 38억8천만 명의 인구(2015년 통계)에 이르는 인구대국의 대륙이다.

면적은 44,579,000 km2로서, 남한의 445배가 된다. 중국 본토 인구는 2013년 공식 통계로 13억 5,700만명을 넘었으며(비공식적으로는 약 15억 명), 이는 전 세계 238개 독립국가 중 가장 많은 인구를 보유하고 있다.

GKC의 아시아 선교 권역에는 2020년 10월 현재 20개국에 169명의 선교사가 사역을 감당하고 있는데, 해당 국가로는 중국, 몽골, 대만, 한국, 베트남, 태국, 라오스, 캄보디아, 인도네시아, 파키스탄, 미얀마, 인도, 네팔, 일본, 방글라데시, 이스라엘, 요르단, 필리핀이 된다.

이 가운데 한국의 GMI 선교사 훈련원(Grace Ministries International Missionary Training Center), 대만의 은혜신학교, 인도의 미전도 종족 사역, 이스라엘 사역이 선교전략적으로 주요한 위치를 차지하고 있다.
