ArgentinaBoliviaBrazilChileCubaCuba Dominican-Republic Guatemala Mexico Panama Paraguay Peru  Venezuela

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Central and South America (including the Caribbean Islands) is made up of 46 countries with approximately 590 million people (2010 year-end statistics) speaking 1,183 different languages (2009 statistics).

The total area is 20,537 square kilometers, which is 201 times big­ger than South Korea. There are approximately 43 million people (2010 statistics) along the coastal states of the Caribbean Islands. Although more than 85% of the total population in Latin America identify themselves as Catholics, many of them take on multiple religions. The entire Latin American region is divided into three areas.

Latin American Countries : Latin America is officially made up of 19 Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries. However, it currently consists of 24 countries, including Belize (Spanish and English), Surinam (Dutch: Independent Country), Guyana (English: Independent Country), French Guiana (French, overseas department of France), and the Falkland Islands (English, England).

Central American Countries : Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Costa Rica are traditionally thought of as the 5 countries of Central America. However, present-day Central America includes Panama and Belize, thereby increasing the count to 7 countries.

Countries of the West Indies : The West Indies region, which is made up of 12 independent countries and 10 small island states, was excluded from Central America and South America and classified as part of the Caribbean Islands.

The present condition of pastors and churches is very similar to that in Africa. In other words, this is a mission field with a great need for the reeducation of pastors, the construction and independence of churches, the moving away from syncretism with folk religions, the upholding the purity of the Gospel, and the consecrated Christian life.

Central and South America (including the Caribbean Islands) is made up of 46 countries with approximately 590 million people (2010 year-end statistics) speaking 1,183 different languages (2009 statistics).

The total area is 20,537 square kilometers, which is 201 times big­ger than South Korea. There are approximately 43 million people (2010 statistics) along the coastal states of the Caribbean Islands. Although more than 85% of the total population in Latin America identify themselves as Catholics, many of them take on multiple religions. The entire Latin American region is divided into three areas.

Latin American Countries : Latin America is officially made up of 19 Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries. However, it currently consists of 24 countries, including Belize (Spanish and English), Surinam (Dutch: Independent Country), Guyana (English: Independent Country), French Guiana (French, overseas department of France), and the Falkland Islands (English, England).

Central American Countries : Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Costa Rica are traditionally thought of as the 5 countries of Central America. However, present-day Central America includes Panama and Belize, thereby increasing the count to 7 countries.

Countries of the West Indies : The West Indies region, which is made up of 12 independent countries and 10 small island states, was excluded from Central America and South America and classified as part of the Caribbean Islands.

The present condition of pastors and churches is very similar to that in Africa. In other words, this is a mission field with a great need for the reeducation of pastors, the construction and independence of churches, the moving away from syncretism with folk religions, the upholding the purity of the Gospel, and the consecrated Christian life.

중남미(카리브해 포함)는 46개국의 약 6억2천6백만 명의 인구(2015년 통계)로 이루어져 있으며, 1,183개의 언어가 사용되고 있다. (2009년 통계).

면적은 21,069,501 평방 km로서, 남한의 약 210배가 된다. 그 중 카브리해 연안국가들의 인구는 약 4,300만명(2010년 통계)이 된다. 전체 중남미 인구의 85%이상이 가톨릭교도로서, 그 중 많은 수가 혼합주의로 볼 수 있다. 이러한 중남미 전체지역은 크게 다음 세 지역으로 구분된다.

라틴 아메리카국가 : 라틴 아메리카는 스페인이나 포르투칼어를 사용하는 19개 나라로 구성됨을 원칙으로 하나 오늘날에는 Belize(스페인어, 영어 사용), Surinam(네덜란드어 사용 : 독립국), Guyana(영어 사용 : 독립국), French Guiana(불어 사용, 불란서 영)와 Falkland Islands(영어 사용, 영국인)를 포함하여 24개 국으로 구성된다.

중남미국가 : 라틴 아메리카에 속한 중미는 전통적으로 과테말라, 온두라스, 니카라구아, 엘살바도르, 코스타리카 5개국을 말하였으나, 오늘날은 파나마와 벨리체를 포함하여 7개국을 의미한다.

서인도 제도국가 : 서인도 지역은 중미지역과 남미지역에서 제외되어서, 카리브해 국가 군으로 일반적으로 분류되어서, 12개국의 독립국과 10개의 도서 국가들로 구성되어 있다.

이러한 중남미의 목회자와 교회의 현황은 아프리카와 너무나 흡사하다. 즉, 목회자의 재교육과 교회의 건축 및 자립과 함께, 토속 종교와의 혼합 주의로부터의, 복음의 순수성의 유지 및 성화된 크리스찬의 삶 등이 너무나 필요한 선교지이다.

GKC 중남미 선교권역에는 2020년 11월 현재, 12개국에 43명의 선교사가 사역 중이다.
